Show Report: Heartland All-Mini Fall Fiesta
When I heard earlier this year that there would be an all-mini live show in Omaha with PERFORMANCE, I decided that I really needed to make that happen. Omaha is about three hours from Kansas City, so we decided to make it a family trip and get a hotel. Justin and Holden would spend Saturday biking around Downtown Omaha and finding fun things to do while I was at the show, and we’d all go to the zoo on Sunday.
I had no tack and very few props, but that’s a little thing, right? I worked hard through September and October, finishing an unprecedented six saddle sets in about 5 weeks! Then came the props and the documentation and the research…oy. Let’s not forget the packing and the panicking and the self-doubt.
Show day rolled around and I showed up exhausted (thank you, toddler who refused to sleep), but I had come prepared with caffeine. I had low expectations for halter but high expectations for performance. Halter went about as I expected - I either didn’t place or finished solidly in the 4-6 range. I didn’t do quite as well as I had hoped in performance, but performance showing is so much more than tack! I’ve already got a list of ways I’ll tweak my entries for next time, whenever that is.
One of my FAVORITE parts of this show were little people’s choice awards handed out by a couple of the entrants. It was so fun to find the little notes (and chocolate!) next to a few of my ponies. And of course, I loved meeting some of the people I’ve only interacted with online.
Okay, enough text - here’s a highlights reel!