The Home Stretch!

There are just 18 days left until the term is officially over.  My classes may let out a little earlier, depending on when the finals are, last papers are due, etc.  The important news is that I am, finally, (almost) done with what I have been referring to as "The Paper of DOOM."  Ten pages on a very small country covering...well, everything, for my World Regional Geography class.  I have maps to draw but that's not going to be a problem at all. I've written two other papers of that length this semester, and it wasn't the length that bothered me...this one paper is worth half of my final grade.

There are an assorted handful of much smaller papers to write, but now that the Paper of Doom is finished it should be smooth sailing.  I may even have a chance to dabble in some tack before class is out! I cannot WAIT.

Just so this post isn't completely devoid of anything fun and model horsey...I added a new face last week!

I picked up this Bisley resin on MH$P for $35.  He's not LSQ; there's a bit of TP stuck to his tail, the whites aren't particularly smooth and a little dirty, and the paint is flaking under his tail but I knew what I was getting into for that price and was perfectly okay with it.  Technically I bought him as a body...he doesn't need new clothes.  I've wanted to do a bit of painting this summer, though, and he might be a good place to start.  I'd probably do him in chestnut again, actually, and maybe throw some overo on him but I hate painting white layers so...maybe not.


(Kind of) Random Musings