Interview: Video!

Here's a link to the video!

Valley Falls Student Saddles Up With Small Business

Hopefully you can't see it in the video, but my hands were shaking when they filmed me working on a saddle!
(Yes, Tami, that's your saddle! More on that in a minute...)  I'm really glad I did the interview; it wasn't nearly as scary as I had thought it would be and ended up being a really fun experience.

I wiped my hard drive early this week to clear out some issues before I get my new Adobe software.  I've been using Photoshop 6 at home, which was released in 2000.  Can you believe it even WORKS any more?  CS 5 isn't here yet, so until then I can't really edit pictures and updates are going to be spotty.  However, when it gets here I'll have InDesign (among other things) and will be able to do a really, really nice job on the saddle tutorial (if it ever gets done...).

Real Quick...

PSA: Offline for a Bit