Hallo, Dahlings!

Like my movie star accent? The TV clip aired today, and boy was it short! It was really fun seeing myself up there, though, and they did a good job.  Isn't it a weird feeling seeing yourself on film? Whether a home video or the local news, it's still an uncanny feeling.  However, I spoke slowly (I have a habit of talking very, very fast normally, and it's ten times worse when I'm nervous) and it came out just fine!

I still don't know if the bit will be available online; a link to my website is up at both channels' website but no video. Here's proof, though!

In other news: Tami's raffle saddle is getting closer! It was featured (briefly, since the entire thing was short!) in the TV interview.  It now looks like a saddle! Stirrups, pad, cinch, and bridle then it's ready to go to it's new home.

PSA: Offline for a Bit
