Show For The Cure Donation: Complete!

It felt like it took a long, long time but my donation to Show For The Cure is finally done!

Vicky from over on the Blab was very, very kind and sent me some small silver pieces to use for the bridle. One of those, a diamond/star type shape, makes EXCELLENT buckles if you carefully cut the center out with an exacto knife.

The pad is a new thing...printed on printable fabric! Kimberley Smith (who does the K Smith Tack Magazine) sells them, but I made some patterns in Photoshop that I can edit however I please for a bunch of different color combinations. It took me quite a while to get the paper/fabric to go through the printer but once I did, wow! This is great, I have so much more freedom with saddle pads now and can offer patterns in custom colors and all SORTS of fun stuff!

Technical Difficulties

Studio Progress